While in the virtual world itself is a world that we can set how it look like, whatever place you want computer will show you visual data to your eyes and how its fell, data such as temperature, humidity, touch, air will be delivered to our nerve cells and transmitted to the brain.
Many uses that can be obtained from this world virtual machine beside in communication, this machine also can help problem of population density because some one can live in small place but with this machine you can set your place in your mind how large your world. You can invite your friend come to your world too and its will shown four dimentional visual of your friends and the place which you created.
Ofcourse many research has been done to create this machine and maybe will shared this machine to public, because beside uses ofcourse the technology have disanvantage such as if this machine developed and sold in general or public, many person who use the machine will only do activity in virtual world, and that will impact to the user body and maybe because it run by machine, and a signal that connects to another user will make human spinal cord, and brain will be damage if use reapeatly.
To make it safe goverment must make law about this technology and the scientist must think how to make it safe to human. this is a big discovery that if developed it will be the most widely used technology of human but must without dispose the real human life.
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